Industrial Painting

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The Industrial Painting curriculum covers Sandblasting and Surface Prep, Coatings and Applications, equipment use and maintenance, understanding certifications, and the use of mechanical lifts. These are only some of the many topics that this curriculum covers.

Wage Scale

Apprentice wages increase from 40% of the Journeymen Scale and work up to 90%. Completing all training requirements satisfactory for graduation, the successful Apprentice becomes a Journeyman and is paid full wages. All benefits that are currently paid for Journeypersons shall be paid for Apprentices beginning with the first day of employment while serving their 90 day probational period.

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  • Minimum Age of Eighteen (18) Years Old

  • High School Diploma or GED

  • Birth Certificate

  • Social Security Card

  • Drivers License or State ID

  • $25.00 Money Order


Application appointments are taken Monday through Friday between the hours of 10am and 2pm and are by appointment only. To make an appointment for your application please click “Application” below;